An innovative concept for a cutting-edge RUMED based on a close collaboration between MATACHANA and the Asklepios Kliniken in Hamburg/Germany.
The goal was set from the very beginning of the project: “We want to be at the forefront of technology”, according to the Managing Director of Asklepios Klinik Nord in Hamburg.
On February 8, 2020, the official handover of the impressive MATACHANA installation took place with a total of 8 washers thermodisinfectors (including 2 large-capacity ones), 4 steam sterilizers with automatic unloading systems, 2 low-temperature sterilizers of different technologies (Hydrogen Peroxide & Plasma and Formaldehyde), an extensive system of MIS modules, as well as the new MATACHANA AL10 robotic system, which handles the entire reprocessing logistics on a fully autonomous basis and 24 hours a day, including automatic loading and unloading within the RUMED.
This state-of-the-art new concept makes the workflow in the disinfection and sterilization areas very efficient and also improves the ergonomics and safety of the staff. After intensive training by MATACHANA’s technical service and a short familiarization period with the new systems, Asklepios Klinik Nord has achieved considerable time savings and a significant reduction in operating costs.
Especially in this difficult pandemic period, the topic of COVID-19 was and is, of course, ever-present, which is why we are particularly proud of this success story. We would like to thank all the persons involved for this excellent collaboration and wish them continued success!
Discover these and other highlights in our latest video.
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