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At MATACHANA, we are proud to contribute each day to improving our country’s healthcare facilities. Our commitment to innovation and excellence, saw our company awarded, at the beginning of 2024, the public remodelling project for the new reprocessing unit at Hospital San Pedro in Logroño, La Rioja (Spain).

The new facilities, designed, installed and maintained by the company MATACHANA, offers a comprehensive solution for the entire healthcare complex. It meets the very highest quality standards and is equipped with the most advanced technology, ensuring its full compliance with the new European Medical Device Regulation 2017/745.

In line with the current sustainable development goals of healthcare institutions, Hospital San Pedro carefully selected the devices for the project, prioritizing the acquisition of those that offer balanced consumption of essential resources, such as water and electricity, without compromising productivity. This is especially relevant due to the significant increase in the activity and complexity of surgeries in recent years.

In addition, and to ensure an efficient throughput rate, the hospital assessed all technical aspects related to automation, ergonomics and computer connectivity. These details reduce human errors and improve data communication and processing, ensuring the traceability of sterilized materials, the organization of the service and the correct operation of the devices, all of which supported by future artificial intelligence-based capabilities.

Among the devices installed, the MAT UIRI ultrasonic irrigator stands out for its uniqueness, allowing the automation and validation of the complicated pre-cleaning stage of the instruments used in robotic surgery, as well as a multitude of complex materials from various specialities.

Likewise, for the terminal sterilization of thermosensitive materials, the hospital has opted for a technology complementary to Hydrogen Peroxide, acquiring a Steam and Formaldehyde Sterilizer MATACHANA 130LF®. Its universality, cycle time and capacity will increase the range of possibilities for the hospital, also improving aspects of worker safety compared to previous sterilization technology.




The facilities will be 100% operational at the beginning of November 2024, once users have been adequately trained in the handling of all this new equipment and all processes have been validated prior to the start of the activity.

A state-of-the-art facility prepared for all the reprocessing challenges that new instruments, materials and advanced surgical practices generate every day in our hospitals. And always with patient safety as our top priority.

A giant leap forward… Congratulations, Hospital San Pedro!